I want to share my Circus makeup to you ^^
Actually, this makeup Challenge is called "makeup nista"..
FYI, This is the second challenge from the "makeup nista" ...
for more information you can check on miss Arum's blog
I found this challenge was so interesting >.<
so, I searched some ideas from google..
and I found this picture ..
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Gothic Makeup |
but, I found this too difficult for me..
But, since I didn't have many makeup tools, I decided to skip this one..
Then I found this picture..
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>.< |
It looked awesome yet simple !
So I tried to make this picture as an idea for my makeup challenge..
I hope I can make it perfect >.<
Here are the results
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>.< |
but It looked so pale and nothing special (-_-")
I said it was a simple makeup right?
In fact, It was pretty difficult
especially at the drawing part (-_-")
that's why I just drew it one sided!
here are my another pictures :D
I'm really grateful that I have some friends that have same hobby like me..
They always encourage me :)
If not because of them, I won't have any confident to post this makeup >.<
You have to see their blogs! Their blogs are really great!
Thank you for reading my blog..
leave a comment ^^
wahhhh. Mantapp!
ReplyDeletealhirnya dipost juga Fin, ahahhaa
Suka warna ungunya say.
Racunnn, jadi mau punya warna ungu..
brb beli pallete warna warni :D
Deletegara-gara kalian tuhh >.<
itu warna pink beb..
bukan unguu..
Pink ke unguan
hayo beli palette..
palette sariayu itu menggiurkan beb >.<
kereeeennn ^^
makasih say ^^
Deletekeren banget dandanannya.TOP
ReplyDeleteoh ya i follow you dear cz you have a awesome blog follow me back if you mind :)
makasih say :)
Deleteaku udah follow blog kamu yaah..
thanks for following me dear <3
Eh...keren, Fiinn >'<
ReplyDeleteSukak sama detail matanya. Jadi keliatan kaya tokoh jahat di cerita2 disney gituuu.
Deletemakasih mbak aruumm.. >,<
itu detailnya penuh perjuangan mbak..
makanya rada-rada ga rapih tuh detail..
makasih yah mbak.. <3
lutju banget kakak <3
ReplyDeletesuka motifnya <3
eh, kita uda follow2an belum si kak? :o
makasih beb <3
Deleteaku udh follow kamu,
coba liat deh 'swankalishious'
makasih udah mampir yah beb..
sering-sering yaah.. \(^.^)/
ReplyDeletedetilnya bisa rapih gituu
baguuss ^^
pake eyeliner cair yaks?
makasih sayang :)
Deleteiya pake eyeliner cair..
awalnya pake La Tulipe, ternyata susah banget..
diganti deh pake Hypersharp maybelline..
lebih gampang >.<
makasih udah mampir <3
Wowww.... You're definitely awesome!!!! Ajarinnnn wkwkwkww
ReplyDeletethank you Noniq :*
Deletesini sini ketemuan dulu, trus berbagi ilmu >.<
Baru liat full dilaptop fin..hahahaha..kamu ngerjain ini make up sambil aku ganggu di bbm wkwkwkw...
ReplyDeletekeren-keren-keren...mau donk dilukis wajah akyu..hihihi
iyaahh.. hahaha..
Deletesambil bbm ama kamu ini beb..
makanya jadi rancu..
sini-sini aku lukis,,
lukisin nama ku ya beb :p
Gradasinya top banget kakaaak..
ReplyDeleteMain warnanya jg bagus. Huhuhu..
makasih sayang..
Deleteitu juga karna terinspirasi dari make up orang.. hihih..
Cool pics, very artistic.........from Marko